Thursday , March 13 2025

How to Be at Peace in a Chaotic World

peace in a chaotic world

Do you believe you can be at peace in a chaotic world? At the moment of conception, when a sperm enters an egg, there is a sudden burst of energy in the spiritual realm, and souls rejoice at the new birth. As angels sing, a soul enters the mother’s womb, chosen as the vessel for spiritual advancement. It’s a magical moment; a soul has entered the physical realm, and a new life begins.

However, this new life begins with a set of circumstances, also known as karma, and from then on, every choice made in life creates more karma, good or bad. Furthermore, humanity’s choices have collectively resulted in a lot of chaos. Still, you can be at peace in a chaotic world with the following three steps.

1. Realize that you’re not the victim of the world you see—you’re manifesting it!

Understanding this is a critical first step if you want to be at peace in a chaotic world. Until you accept your role in manifesting your circumstances, you’ll continue to limit your ability to do anything about them.

    So, stop choosing to be a victim. Moreover, everything you see in this world manifests a conflict between identification with the physical world and your soul, between what you think and what you know. For example, identification with the physical world has resulted in manifesting things such as warfare, racism, and poverty.

    However, you can be at peace in a chaotic world. Identification with your soul manifests peace, beauty, and abundance. That’s a lot better, right? So, not choosing to be a victim and instead embracing your eternal soul improves your situation. Rather than seeing yourself as a physical human creature and life happening to you, understand you’re a soul experiencing life through a mind-body. But living through a mind-body, how do you avoid manifesting something you regret?

    2. Learn to hit the pause button.

    Just because a thought rises into your consciousness doesn’t mean you must immediately blurt it out or act on it.

    Perfect practice teaches you perfection. Start using the pause button with each thought. First, you will find it helpful to take a deep breath. Then, perform a quick thought test, asking yourself,

    • Is it true?
    • Is it in my best interest?
    • Does it promote the greater good?

    Suppose the answer to these three quick questions is yes. Great! Go all in. If you do not give a definite yes to all three, move on to something else. Learn to only speak or act on what is true and in your best interest, and promote the greater good. Then, neither you nor anyone else can honestly regret your words and actions. You’ll be part of the solution rather than part of the problem, leading us to number three.

    3. Learn to be present!

    It’s not just challenging to be at peace while stressing over the past or future; it’s impossible to consciously do anything in this moment until you’re aware of this moment. Of course, guilt from the past and fear of the future make it far worse, but regardless, life only happens now.

    So, to break free from the past and prepare for the future, learn to be in the present.

    Start with deep breathing,

    • With your mouth gently closed, inhale through your nose down to an area just below your navel, then exhale through your nose.
    • Focus on your breath.
    • Let your breathing slow down on its own. Don’t force your breath. Instead, allow it to return to its natural state. There will be an easy, peaceful feeling to it.
    • Settle into the relaxation that follows.
    • Observe all without judgment or reaction of any kind. Don’t resist, but don’t engage.
    • If you get distracted, go back to focusing on the breath.
    • Don’t force or expect anything. Over time, your ability to be present will continue to grow, and your consciousness will continue to expand until all is within your consciousness.

    The physical world is a realm of time and space. As you learn to be present, you’ll discover you’ve spent most of your time obsessing over the past or future. With deeper reflection, you’ll be shocked at how many of your beliefs are based on time and space. Belief in the illusion of time and space contributes directly or indirectly to all chaos.

    Almost all of your problems aren’t problems existing in the present moment. Therefore, move into the now by asking yourself these two questions; 

    • Is this thought or emotion based on something of the past? If so, move into what’s happening at this moment.
    • Is this thought or emotion based on something possible in the future? If so, move into what’s happening at this moment.

    Instead of being a prisoner of time and space, master them by learning how to maintain presence in the now. Presence gives you clear sight and, more importantly, vision. So, be the light in a dark world by holding presence.

    Beyond Peace in a Chaotic World

    While present, you can connect with your spiritual essence. Spiritual Consciousness makes Spiritual Presence possible. Spiritual Presence is maintaining your connection to the Source of everything (God) and grounding God’s presence in the physical world.

    Essentially, you make yourself a portal for the Divine to flow through and into the physical realm, raising the collective consciousness responsible for manifesting physical reality. When you help raise the collective consciousness to a higher state of consciousness, you improve the overall world condition. When you learn to do this, you’ll experience perfect peace, referred to as bliss, nirvana, and heaven. However, perfect peace is not something you do but what you are.

    Mastering physical life will allow you to reclaim your soul. You’ll manifest peace and love when your mind, body, and soul are in balance. Lower consciousness cannot enter higher consciousness, but higher consciousness will manifest accordingly, which will be your vibe and contribution to humanity.

    Presence takes you beyond the limited reality of ego, which is based upon sensory perception of time and space. Whatever you want to call it, Spirit, the Great Spirit, the Divine, Supreme Consciousness, or God can only be accessed through presence. When present, you are in communion with all potential and can choose to align with higher consciousness.

    Peace Be with You!

    About Howard Mann

    Creator of Conscious Shifting. Teaches Spiritual Consciousness, Meditation, and Self Healing

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