Sunday , February 23 2025

Egotistical World Consciousness and 3 Things You Can Do About It

Egotistical World Consciousness and 3 Things You Can Do About It

You’ve noticed a lot of things wrong with what’s happening worldwide. You don’t have to look very hard, do you? Do you ever wonder why? It’s the result of egotistical world consciousness. People often ask;

  • Why does God allow evil?
  • Why does God allow pain?
  • Why does God allow suffering?
  • Why does God allow disease?
  • Why does God allow harm to children?

People personalize God by projecting their egotism onto God as if God was created in their image, reducing God to their super-ego. In some convoluted way, this makes sense to them. They credit God with being the creator of all this and, therefore, all the problems. Similarly, they see God as an interventionist, expecting God to fix everything.

It would be wise to consider that we would be nothing more than human robots if not for free will, making all of this pointless. In other words, if we had no choice, there wouldn’t be any value in what we choose. That would make God and all of creation rather ridiculous, wouldn’t it?

Instead, the world is a projection of our beliefs. Consciously and subconsciously, we collectively manifest this reality. So, if we didn’t have it within us, we couldn’t project it outward and collectively manifest this reality. And, like it or not, we all play a part—or that is to say that at least our egos play a part. Hinze the term, egotistical world consciousness

Conversely, the consciousness of God is far above all that.

Know that things are often not as they seem but always as they should be. The higher reality is that everything is exactly as it should be. Since this world is a manifestation of collective consciousness, and at this time, the collective consciousness of the world is predominantly ego-based, it’s no surprise that this is a world of ego creation.  

Ego without the influence of spiritual consciousness is primarily a collection of negative emotions based upon predatory gain. Therefore, ego’s simultaneous rejection of God and projection onto God is responsible for the problems within our reality.

Yes, egotistical world consciousness is what you’re seeing, and it’s messy. It’s low-level consciousness trying to transcend into higher states of consciousness and happening on many different levels simultaneously. As people evolve spiritually, they will transcend into higher states of consciousness, and then these things will start to fade away.

They will not fade away easily or quickly, nor will they fade away because of presidents, dictators, or court rulings. As people transcend into higher states of consciousness, their thoughts and actions will transcend into higher thoughts and actions, leaving egotistical things like governments and their laws unnecessary.

But for now, it’s a huge mess and will worsen. It’s messy right now because ego is the primary level of world consciousness. It’s going to get worse because most haven’t even started the process of rising into higher states of consciousness. Furthermore, many who think they are spiritually conscious aren’t. And then there are those egomaniacs with a God complex. Yes, it will get much worse because the more significant the ego, the bigger the fall before you can rise.

What can you do about egotistical world consciousness?

1 – Learn to Recognize Egotistical World Consciousness

To avoid being sucked into identification with the ego, learn to recognize the limited consciousness of the ego. We’re constantly bombarded with egotistical brainwashing, some of which has been handed down for thousands of years.

Humans deceive and are deceived for a variety of reasons. For example;

  1. Perceived inability to handle the truth
  2. Perceived inability to understand the truth
  3. Supposed sparing of another’s feelings

When you get down to it, there is only one underlying reason people lie. People lie because they fear you won’t participate in their lies if you know the truth. This is a classic example of identification with ego.

Spirit, on the other hand, only knows the truth. So, the better you identify with Spirit, the better you’ll get at spotting falsehoods because they will insult your soul. When something insults your soul, pay attention; there is something wrong.

To begin with, spiritual unconsciousness can be understood as the reason for deception and spiritual unconsciousness worldwide as the reason for the consensus on deception.

To help you understand whether information is based on higher or lower consciousness, look at what fruit the tree bears. Love or fear? Clarity or chaos? Peace or anger, violence, and hatred? That’ll tell you if it’s of ego or Spirit.

Despite all the talking points about fact-checking and misinformation, governments and the mainstream news media are by far the biggest spreaders of misinformation. So, don’t buy into their egotism.

You will be healthier and happier by limiting your exposure. If there’s an issue that you’re interested in or something that you indeed find necessary, then carefully listen to both sides and do your research. Verify what they’re telling you. The lies are so rampant that this is the only way not to be brainwashed. And when you start doing this, you’ll be amazed at how often you’ve been sucked into ego.

Spend more time listening to those projecting peace and love, and you’ll experience that.

2 – Focus on Inclusion

Spirit is inclusive, whereas ego is separative. Therefore, all judgments or opinions are egotistical because they separate people into groups. Separation by any means, regardless of the stated reason, is egotistical. Spirit has no political affiliation, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation. Focus on these differences, and it’ll suck you into identification with ego.

Separation quickly leads to special or otherwise unfair treatment. Next comes control. There’s nothing spiritual about the need to control others; that is the work of the ego. The need to control is based on fear, the predominant emotional state of ego without spiritual influence. Control through force is extreme egotism. Protecting the innocent is Spirit in action while controlling the innocent is oppression by an out-of-control ego.

Since one of the hallmarks of identification with the ego is division, the negative aspects of the ego cannot exist without division. Thoughts based on predatory gain cannot exist in a world of inclusion; they only exist when there is separation.

For example, when there is me against you or us against them, then evil becomes possible. Compassion and kindness are qualities of Spirit. So, to avoid triggering your ego and the ego of others, treat them with compassion and kindness in all circumstances.

People often do inappropriate things, and sometimes, they do evil things. But that doesn’t mean that we should join them. We can be kind and not condone hurtful behavior. How people behave creates their karma; how you respond creates yours.

The greatest disease in the West today is not TB or leprosy; it is being unwanted, unloved, and uncared for. We can cure physical diseases with medicine, but the only cure for loneliness, despair, and hopelessness is love. There are many in the world who are dying for a piece of bread but there are many more dying for a little love. The poverty in the West is a different kind of poverty — it is not only a poverty of loneliness but also of spirituality. There’s a hunger for love, as there is a hunger for God.” – Mother Teresa

3 –  Hold Your Spiritual Center

Seeing separate entities is the ego’s viewpoint. When you say I, which I are you referring to? If you are referring to yourself as an entity separate from others, then you are speaking from the ego. There is only one Spirit. Spiritually speaking, we are one. And oneness is what spiritual consciousness projects.

Do you see why the world’s views are egotistical? The current world reality is constructed on separateness, and mankind’s problems are the result. Since they stem from spiritual unconsciousness, they will only be solved by spiritual consciousness, which requires a shift.

However, most people have completely identified with their egos at this time. Their focus is on things that divide us rather than inclusion. They’re focused on hate rather than love—a very low level of consciousness based on predatory gain and fear. As long as people project fear, a fear-based reality will continue. It’s going to get worse. Desperate people do desperate things, and very desperate people do very desperate things.

But there is a significant shift coming. Mankind is entering the next step in our evolution: Spiritual Awakening. It will be the result of tribulation. Ancient scriptures from all over the world speak of a time coming of great suffering followed by peace on Earth, the coming of a messiah, the second coming of Jesus, and the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. Spiritual Consciousness will be the result, and our reality will reflect it.

The process has already started. The tribulations have begun. It is no longer something in the far-off future. Tribulation has arrived. For all our sakes, it is critical that you hold your spiritual center. Constantly move into the light to avoid being sucked into the darkness of identification with ego.

Forgiveness as a constant attitude is required rather than an occasional act.” -Martin Luther King Jr.

Ask for divine guidance. Ask Spirit, how would you have me see this situation? What would you have me do? Ask the Great Spirit and be open to receiving Divine Guidance. Otherwise, give it up to Spirit. Just say, “I don’t know, I don’t understand, or this is beyond my ability to do anything about it, and so I give it to you, Spirit.”

 If you’re sincere, Spirit will guide you. If there’s something you’re guided to do, then do it. Otherwise, give it to God and get out of the way.

About Howard Mann

Creator of Conscious Shifting. Teaches Spiritual Consciousness, Meditation, and Self Healing

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