The Cause of Evil and 7 Steps to Bliss

The Cause of Evil and 7 Steps to Bliss

Humanity’s prevailing consciousness believes in an evil force operating the world. Fair enough, but what exactly is this evil force? Mental illness? The Devil? What about people who have different spiritual beliefs or no spiritual beliefs?

People do evil things, but why? How are people motivated to do evil things? Are people the evil force, or does an evil force possess them?

The truth is both to varying degrees. However, a little evil is still evil and often leads to greater evil. So, it is wise to try to avoid all evil. But how do you recognize evil? Evil is, after all, deceptive.

Evil is evil. To make it easier to understand, we can define God as the opposite of evil. So, in other words, evil is very low consciousness, and God is Supreme Consciousness. You may be more comfortable with the terms unconditional love or the greater good instead of God. It’s okay, but know they mean the same thing. Unconditional love and the greater good are different ways to understand God’s consciousness; therefore, anything to the contrary would be anti-God, right?

So, when you get down to it, evil is anything anti-God because it lacks love. And this is where confusion sets in. Evil, great or small, is still evil. This is in part what Jesus meant when He said, “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone”.

Energy Fields and Evil

Beliefs give rise to thoughts, and thoughts can become actions. This is energy in action. For an evil force to exist, there must be energy feeding it. Low levels of consciousness provide the necessary energy to empower evil.

Your energetic field influences reality. We all collectively co-create physical reality. Some already hold a higher energy field, and those who are ready will naturally be attracted to it. Then, with enough combined influence, reality shifts into a higher reality.

In the beginning, you’ll likely experience some resistance to the shift in consciousness because it requires you to let go of your current beliefs for a higher truth to emerge. As you shift to a higher state of consciousness, you’ll also help to elevate others by bringing a much higher vibration into the physical realm.

Your level of consciousness is associated with an energetic field, which scientists can detect. Your energy field changes with different thoughts, moods, and attitudes. Depending on its strength, your energy projects from your heart center, anywhere from a few inches to a few feet outward. So, it’s not fantasy but physics. The physics of energy explains how your thoughts affect your physical and mental health. But it’s also how physical reality is co-created. This gets to the root cause of evil.

This physical realm results from an internal Holy War between ego and Spirit manifested externally as a cosmic war between good and evil. When your ego and soul are misaligned, it causes inner conflict because ego judges everything from its perspective. The problem is that the ego can’t make those judgments without spiritual guidance because it is a far too limited level of consciousness. And when ego, without spiritual guidance, judges, you get what you see in the world today.

Through collective consciousness, we co-create the evil you see in the world, such as violence, racism, and warfare. The answer is superior consciousness, also known as spiritual guidance.

So, how do you get spiritual guidance? Here are seven steps that will help.

  • 1. The Spiritually Unconscious Unknowingly Perpetrate Evil

No one in their right mind would sabotage themselves or humanity. The ego, for the most part, operates exclusively in the subconscious, meaning that despite appearances, most people are nearly, if not completely, oblivious to it. So, it must start with awareness.

  • 2. You Cannot Rise in Spiritual Consciousness While Identified with Ego

To the extent you are identified with ego, you are denying God. The good news is that you’ll naturally rise to spiritual consciousness after developing awareness.

  • 3. You Are an Eternal Soul

Souls are somewhat individual streams of consciousness but still part of and emanating from a common Source. So there is nothing to become because you are already it. You must realize it, but that comes naturally once you develop awareness.

  • 4. Balance Spirituality with Physical Life

Although you’re a spiritual being, you also live a physical life. You need not ignore the responsibilities of physical life. Maintaining a constant connection with Spirit while embracing a physical life is possible. Please do not fall into one of the extremes of either denying physical life or drowning in it.

Live life to the fullest but with spiritual guidance. To do so, you must bypass the subconscious by developing awareness followed by spiritual consciousness.

  • 5. Expand Your Awareness

Two skills will change your circumstances and your life experience. The two skills are proper breathing and meditation. This will prepare you for a third skill: observing your thoughts and emotions. You can learn all three for free by clicking the meditation link.

  • 6. Communion with God!

You’re ready for step six once you’ve got the hang of the previous five steps. And as big as the first five were, six is more magnificent than you can imagine.

Simply sitting in stillness and observing your thoughts and emotions will expand your consciousness. Eventually, your consciousness will expand beyond physical reality and into communion with God! 

  • 7. Be in this World but Not of this World

Communion with God is oneness consciousness. Instead of the duality of good versus evil, oneness consciousness transcends karma, resulting in an incredible state of peace and unconditional love. To prevent being sucked back into ego, rather than judge creation, live in harmony with it.

Stillness in chaos offers a connection to and ability to express divinity. Communion with God is authentic coherence to a high-vibration state of peace and abundance wherein all negativity fades away.

This won’t be easy to accept because it goes against everything the world believes. But that’s precisely the point. The personification of evil, religious or not, from an evil person to an evil entity such as the devil or Satan the Deceiver, is a liar who tempts you into believing a falsehood and thereby condemns your soul. Your ego, without spiritual guidance, is Satan, without whom there would be no evil.

Think about it. The ego’s viewpoint is one of separation from God. It believes in a universe governed by time and space. Individuals are separated by time, such as past and future. Generations of people complete a process of birth, life, and death. Individuals are also separated by space or distance. For example, I live in the United States, but others live in the Middle East. Funny thing, science proves space-time to be an illusion.

Evils Cause and Cure

Without these beliefs, there would be no time or place for conflict, violence, or war. As hard as it is to accept because of the brainwashing, it’s undeniable. If humanity understood our spiritual connection, evil would not exist.

Because so-called rational people believe in the world’s insanity and religious people believe in demonic possession, a dark force is to blame for perpetuating the lie. Belief in an outer dark force prevents ending the inner Holy War. Furthermore, as long as we continue to believe in falsehood, we will continue to empower it. This false belief is energizing the dark force. The problem is not outside consciousness but within lower consciousness.

The battle between good and evil is fundamental because many people identify with ego and manifest evil to some degree. However, the battle is balanced by the people identified with Spirit, who manifest accordingly.

People not guided by Spirit are guided by ego. Ego is the viewpoint of duality and survival of the fittest. God is oneness consciousness; there is no separation, no other. Ultimately, we are all part of one Spirit.

Belief in separation is the path to evil. Focusing on the greater good and unconditional love may not be popular, but it is humanity’s only possibility of salvation and lasting peace.

As you grow spiritually, you will gain an understanding of all that is, and your level of consciousness will become increasingly peaceful as your negative emotions, such as anxiety, depression, fear, anger, and hatred, are replaced with unconditional love.

Buddha said, “Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth”.

All science, philosophy, and religion lead to the truth!

The truth is, we are one and always have been. Anything less is evil.

About Howard Mann

Creator of Conscious Shifting. Teaches Spiritual Consciousness, Meditation, and Self Healing

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