The New Earth is Rising – Are You Ready?

The New Earth is Rising

The New Earth is rising, and the world is on fire. 2025 is upon us, but you can embark on an incredible journey of self-discovery that will change your life trajectory and your soul’s journey. It’s not too late; however, we are in the final hours!

Do you want to survive or thrive? This world manifests the internal war between ego and Spirit, projected outward onto the world stage. The universe mirrors our collective consciousness, manifesting this reality. However, there are also somewhat individual streams of consciousness, also known as souls, and something big is starting to happen.

The New Earth is rising. Are you ready? Will you be part of the shift into higher consciousness? Referred to as the Fifth Dimension, Age of Aquarius, and Second Coming of Christ, it is a Great Awakening that will result in the New Earth rising. Not everyone is ready and will transition in the first wave, but you can. Would you like to know how?

The Old Earth

The Old Earth is one of deception and destruction. Buddha called it a world of suffering. It’s important not to become or listen to the false prophets of this world. The dense physical world of suffering is a manifestation of attachments to false beliefs and prophecies. To rise is to release the false beliefs that are weighing you down.

So many people function at such low levels of consciousness that it will take a while for humanity to shift. It’s nearly impossible to instantly shift from the planetary consciousness of World War III and the assassination attempts of world leaders into the consciousness of love and world peace. There’s too much difference between those levels of consciousness.

This is going to take some time, and it’s going to happen in stages, but it’s also going to happen sooner for some. Do you aspire to make the shift sooner? And how do you thrive in such an environment? You start by working on yourself. Then, you’ll contribute to the collective consciousness accordingly. When enough people do that, you’ll see change on a planetary scale, but until then, you can still personally thrive.

The only reason this world isn’t far worse is that some people already function at higher levels of consciousness. Higher consciousness isn’t aggressive, but it does manifest a higher reality, helping to prevent things such as World War lll and successful assassinations. Think of it as a balancing act. So, when enough people operate at a high enough level of consciousness, collective consciousness manifests a higher reality. And yes, this can come as divine intervention because higher consciousness invites it.

However, if there were a sudden move into total and complete enlightenment, everything and everyone would explode in a burst of energy. Those who aren’t ready for that couldn’t handle it. But it wouldn’t happen anyway because consciousness comes first, followed by the shift. So, here we are.

People like Buddha and Jesus change the world by helping humanity rise in consciousness. When enough people rise into higher consciousness, the manifestation changes for the better. Still, once in a while, when there is enough of a shift in consciousness, reality will shift into something entirely different—for example, another dimension.

Still, not everyone will be at that level. We’re all on a spiritual journey and here together. However, we’re all at different places on our spiritual journey. Some people, throughout their previous incarnations and this one, have not risen enough in consciousness to transition into the higher reality that is coming.

Higher frequencies will be required. Because the New Earth rising will vibrate at such a high frequency, higher vibrating individual frequencies will be needed to transition with it. The dense physical bodies we currently inhabit will not be capable of manifesting in such a high vibrating dimension.

This world is a war between ego and spiritual self: self-sabotage or self-realization.

Most people are highly conditioned, so it all starts with awareness. The first thing to do is learn to recognize false prophets. False prophets lead people away from a higher consciousness, which brings heavy karma for the prophets and their followers. This explains the current state of the world.

How do you recognize false prophets?

  1. Deception. Whether consciously or subconsciously, false prophets are deceptive, too often making false statements and predictions. Spirit is truth. So, don’t follow those without a proven record of consistent truth.
  2. Division. Spirit is inclusive. So, don’t follow those who see people only through differences. Remember, Spirit has no gender, religion, or political affiliation.

Furthermore, higher frequency is something you are, not something you do. It’s not that you become it because you’re already it. Still, you must realize it, reaching a point where you move beyond intellectual understanding and closer to expressing your true essence—this shift in consciousness results in expressing a higher energy frequency.

And so, when you live it, you don’t have to practice it because you’re it. Perhaps as many as a hundred trillion cells make up your mind-body, and when they express higher frequency, it’s like lighting up like a Christmas tree. People feel your vibe. You affect the people around you. When you walk into a room, the energy shifts. Not because of anything you’re doing but because of what you are. The vibe you project influences others.

Your mind-body is a communication device. Usually, when people say I, they are talking about their ego, their personality, a collection of memories and experiences, their self that is separate from others and God, their self that lives in a reality of time and space.

But that’s not their true self. Self-realization is realizing that you’re so much more than your ego. With that realization, you shine from every cell of your body as a bright, almost blinding light. It attracts people because they sense it as truth and subconsciously recognize it as home.

You’re probably thinking, “Okay, that sounds great, but how?” How indeed. How do you prepare to transition into the New Earth rising?

The New Earth Rising

Until full enlightenment, you will reincarnate to deal with karma. There are different places to reincarnate. Earth is one, and most souls who’ve incarnated on Earth have continued to do so. However, the Earth as we know it will not be an option for much longer, although there will be a dense physical option for those with lower consciousness.

Exiting souls will no longer contribute to this dense realm’s collective consciousness; therefore, this dimension will become one of lowering consciousness. As bad as it is, it will get worse; as good as it can be, you won’t want to be here. A higher perspective is that time is running out for this universe of space-time to be the option for reincarnation.

A good metaphor is to think of gears like those in an old grandfather clock. The tiniest gears spin faster, representing individual soul journeys. However, there are bigger and bigger realities as you rise in consciousness with more prominent and slower-turning gears.

All the gears are interconnected. The smaller gears turn more often but eventually cause the larger gears to turn. So, individual karmic conditions change more often, but when they change enough, they cause the more significant collective karmic conditions to change. The Great Awakening is such an event that will result in the New Earth rising.

What determines your place of incarnation? Your level of consciousness. What does it mean to change your level of consciousness? It has to do with your energy frequency. There are three ways of increasing your energy frequency.

  1. Subconsciously. You can decline the conscious pursuit of higher consciousness, but reaching enlightenment may take another million years. I don’t recommend that. You’ll have to endure prolonged suffering, which will also be your contribution to the collective.
  2. Consciously. This is a better option, but enlightenment can’t be forced. While you get there sooner, you’ll still prolong it. Fortunately, there is an even better way.
  3. Spiritually. I recommend this. Evolution through spirituality is the fast track. However, it’s not rushed or forced but allowed to happen.

The universe mirrors consciousness. Your mind-body and life circumstances are physical manifestations of your consciousness. Like all other realms, physical reality is a manifestation of collective consciousness. As a result of higher consciousness, a Great Awakening is coming, which will manifest the New Earth rising.

By asking for and accepting divine guidance, you align yourself with Spirit. This purifies your thoughts and emotions, increasing your energy vibration or frequency.  

When self-realized, the Divine will live through you. Then, you’ll transcend the physical world and its associated karma into the New Earth Rising.

About Howard Mann

Creator of Conscious Shifting. Teaches Spiritual Consciousness, Meditation, and Self Healing

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