Saturday , February 22 2025

When Psychology Can’t Explain Déjà Vu


What is déjà vu? Have you ever walked into a room for the first time but felt like you’d been there before? Did it make you wonder, “How can this be because I’ve never been in this building before, let alone this room?”

During a conversation, have you ever suddenly felt that it’s not the first time you’ve had this exact conversation? Or is it?

Have you ever met someone new and they seemed so familiar that you had to ask, “Have we met before?” Have you ever told someone you just met, “I feel as if I’ve known you all my life?”

Feelings of familiarity, such as having been somewhere or done something before, even though you think you haven’t, are called déjà vu.

You could experience déjà vu for many reasons, and they’ll all have an eerie sense of being real. However, there are only two possibilities. Déjà vu is real, or it isn’t. Psychology can explain when déjà vu is imagined. Let’s start there.

Imagined Déjà Vu

Psychology explains that déjà vu is your mind playing tricks on you. Here are three examples

  1. Distracted minds are the norm: if your mind is distracted and quickly returns to the previous thought, it may seem as if you’ve been there before when, in truth, it’s one event. People with short attention spans and what’s referred to as monkey minds (chaotic jumping from thought to thought) are more likely to experience this. Meditation will help with short attention spans and monkey minds.
  2. Similar people and events. When you experience a person or event similar to people and events of the past, it may seem as if you’ve been here and done this before. For example, a particular type of personality, concert, or sporting event will seem familiar. You may then mistake the current event as something you’ve done before.
  3. Association of sight, sounds, and smells. The association of sights, sounds, and smells will trigger memories and seem familiar. For example, particular perfumes or cigar smoke will seem familiar and trigger memories. Vague memories may cause you to mistake the current event for something you’ve done before.

These are examples of how déjà vu can be an imagined event. But the other possibility is that your déjà vu is an actual event.

Actual Déjà Vu

For example, have you ever been so wholly absorbed in an experience that there are no distractions or breaks in consciousness? Furthermore, the only thing in such an experience is your awareness of it. This unbroken flow or fluid experience is called presence. And anyone who has ever experienced presence will tell you it’s the opposite of a mind trick.

Instead, it’s an elevated state of awareness. As this awareness increases, your ordinary awareness of self fades. Presence heightens your senses to the point of superpowers. You suddenly find yourself with the sight of an eagle; your sense of smell and hearing are like that of a wolf, while your spatial sense is similar to a bat’s radar. As if that’s not enough, you also possess heightened focus, speed, and strength. Finally, you have knowledge beyond ordinary consciousness that can only be described as a sixth sense.

Not all déjà vu includes total presence; however, déjà vu does tend to heighten the senses at least. Authentic déjà vu experiences are so alive that they cannot be simple associations with similar memories. Unlike reminiscing, actual Deja vu is now.

And although the association of sights, sounds, and smells trigger memories, memories are memories of an experience. However, authentic Deja vu is not a mere memory because while it replicates the past, it also happens now. Additionally, the experience will be specific to a person or location in the now. And in some cases, there is no possible way for it to have been before, for example, in a part of the world you’ve never been to before.   

Psychology has no way to explain these events because they can only be explained outside normal science.

Other Possibilities

And there are other possibilities. Normal science assumes that your entire experience exists within your brain and a single lifetime. Still, we know that energy carries information. This is how computers and radios work. It’s also how your brain works.

So, if your brain were to pick up on energy outside itself and download the associated information, that might play out as a déjà vu experience. This is similar to clairvoyance but in combination with the now.

It’s also known that your cells store information and that this information functions similarly to memories. Up to a trillion cells in your body die and are replicated approximately every year because the data is passed on.

It’s unlikely that you’re conscious of all the information stored within your trillion cells. Still, if you become conscious of this information, it could produce a déjà vu experience. For example, data is passed down through generations from parent to child and, if triggered as a memory, could create a déjà vu experience. Soulmates who’ve shared multiple lifetimes are likelier to experience this type of déjà vu.

Beyond experiences stored in cell memory are residual energetic imprints on a loop echoed in space-time. Again, if you were to pick up on this information, it could cause a déjà vu experience.

Past life experiences crossing over consciously could also produce a déjà vu experience. In this case, you’re reliving an experience of a past life. This type of déjà vu is known as karma at its best.

Scientific Possibilities

Some theoretical physicists believe that there are multiple universes. These scientists believe that the Big Bang created multiple universes like bubbles and that crossing over from one into another may be possible. Therefore, energy and the information it carries would be able to do the same and might cause a déjà vu-type experience. 

Some scientists think there are infinite universes with infinite possibilities. And different versions of you could live in alternate realities within these universes. You would, of course, be consciously connected on some level. And this, too, could cause a déjà vu experience.

Some think all of this is BS. But then, how can you know things you cannot know? There are cases of people knowing things that in no way, as they say, can there be a rational explanation for how they know it.

Although not accepted by everyone, reincarnation demonstrates the soul’s ability to carry on information from previous lifetimes. It is not an actual memory but more like consciousness traveling through time. There are reports of people with memories of other lifetimes that historical documents have substantiated.

Some organ transplant patients have reported strange, unexplainable memories and personality changes after surgery. There are reports of these changes being associated with their organ donors despite the identity of their donor being kept confidential.

Spirituality and Déjà Vu

Beyond physical reality is spiritual reality. Because spiritual consciousness is beyond ordinary consciousness, it’s often mistaken for special psychic abilities. The natural state of spiritual awareness is connected to the astral plane. Within the astral plane is collective consciousness, a collective mind of all beings and, therefore, all knowledge of all beings.

Furthermore, science tells us that the nonphysical realm exists beyond time and space. Therefore, everything that ever has existed does exist or will exist, anywhere, at any time; all exist right here, right now.

In other words, omnipotent or all-powerful, omniscient or all-knowing, and omnipresent or everywhere simultaneously.

It’s as if there’s a library of all knowledge and events the mind has experienced. But in truth, there are many levels of consciousness beyond the human mind. As you rise in consciousness, each level becomes less oriented to the physical and more towards the nonphysical, eventually entering the spiritual realm where everything is happening now.

By entering the spiritual realm, you access total collective consciousness, which may appear to be psychic abilities and unworldly knowledge. However, the same conscious energy runs through all universes and between the physical and spiritual realms. Energy carries information. When particular conscious energetic paths cross, it results in déjà vu.

Everyone is spiritually connected and part of everything. Ultimately, we are one Spirit. Collective consciousness is an expression of oneness.

So, as higher states of consciousness emerge, you can tap into the spiritual field of consciousness, which is far more than memories, intellectual knowledge, and mind tricks.

The spiritual realm is an eternal experience of what is.

And so are you!

About Howard Mann

Creator of Conscious Shifting. Teaches Spiritual Consciousness, Meditation, and Self Healing

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